Ivy+ Career Link - Employer Services Request for Information

employers and organizations request for info

Need help with your current or future workforce? Ivy Tech Can Help!
If you would like more information about how your organization might benefit from workforce training or Career Link services, we would be happy to speak with you. Complete this quick form and an Employer Consultant from your nearest campus will be in touch shortly.

First, let's get some general information about your organization.

Organization Information

And now some information about you: 

Contact Information

Next, we'll ask a few questions about your training needs.

If you aren't sure, you can skip the question - we'll help you determine what you might need! 
Your Training Needs 

Thank you!

By submitting this form and providing your contact information, you are allowing Ivy Tech Community College to contact you by phone, email, and/or postal mail.

Once you submit this form, a member from our Ivy+ Career Link Workforce team will be in touch within 1-2 business days.